
Longest Day Ever

I know I'm almost a week late writing about this but it's been a long week!  Really though last Saturday was the longest day ever!  I've been involved in weddings before so I knew there could be a lot going on in the days leading up but this wasn't even all wedding stuff.  We started the day with the American Heart Association 5 mile walk in Ocean City.  A coworker of mine's husband had a quintuple bypass at age 32 so this is a cause dear to her heart.  We were asked to be at the field by 8:45 and because I'm an overachiever Joe and I were there by 8:30.  Well it turns out the walk doesn't start until 10:30 so we had a lot of time to kill.
We met with the electric company mascot, I got to meet Brittany's fiance for the first time and we hung out with Carol & Chris.  Turns out Chris' brother died from a heart related disease and this was the first year they were doing the walk in his memory.
We were all gathered for a team picture after a while.  My employer always has a few teams so we buy close to 1000 t-shirts for the event.  It's a nice gesture but also make it more difficult to tell who's on your team.  Our captain bought headbands and other heart themed stuff to help distinguish us from the masses.
We finished the walk around noon and found out that a few of our friends were bringing their kids up to the boardwalk to take advantage of the nice weather.  We decided to meet them for lunch and a couple of games before heading home.
Luke was too small to play most of the games on his own so we let him cheat a little.  After the quarters had run dry it was time for some rides.
Joe and I were planning to have dinner at his parent's house with some other family members that were in town for the wedding.  We said goodbye to the beach around 2 and went home to shower & change but little did we know we wouldn't be gone for long.  It was fun to get to meet some of Joe's cousins that live out of state and we learned that their kids had never seen the ocean!  Once dinner was finished we decided to head over to the beach again so they could check the experience off the list.  Janey & Bernie also joined us for a last minute photo shoot before the wedding.  While Janey was drawing a cute message in the sand Bernie joked around...
It was getting cooler as the sun went down so we headed back to the car but Joe's cousin had other plans.  He was ready for some more adult fun.  His wife & I were both exhausted so we headed for bed while the boys went for a night cap at a local bar.  I'm glad Joe took the time to reconnect with family he hasn't seen in years but I was glad to be off the hook and able to lounge around the rest of the evening!

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