1. Eat out less then 25 meals: I was extremely hungover on Sunday morning. The thought of food was not appealing but I knew I had to eat something if I wanted to feel better. What's better for a hangover then grease? Joe ran across the street and came back with breakfast sandwiches for us. 6 total.
2. At least 25 days with a 750+ calorie burn: Breakfast: bagel with pork roll, egg & cheese = 676 calories
Lunch: 0 calories
Dinner: dates wrapped in bacon, tortilla chips, guacamole, steak, potatoes, pasta salad & grilled vegetables = 1281 calories
Snacks: small bag in salt & vinegar chips = 150 calories
Totals: 1916 burned - 2107 eaten = +191 total burned, 6 days total
3. Complete 1500 fitness minutes: I did not work out at all, it was my scheduled day off from exercise. But I don't think my body could have handled the beating anyway and I can't imagine how badly the vodka coming out of my pores would have smelled, lol. 302 minutes total. Totals: 1916 burned - 2107 eaten = +191 total burned, 6 days total
5. At least 25 days with 30 minutes of house work: I didn't do any cleaning. I put a load of laundry in but that's about it. 6 days total.
As you can see the weekend was pretty much a disaster in terms of eating. I really didn't intend for it to go that way but I guess that's what happens when there's a lot of celebrating going on. I'm going to get back on track this week and try to be better next weekend, although I have the gala & Janey's rehearsal dinner so it made be harder then I think...
Also, here are a few shots we took at my sister's house after Mother's Day dinner; I had to take a picture of my tab's screen with my phone because I could get them to download for some reason.
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