- We got Chinese take-out for dinner...1 meals out, 5 meals total for the month.
- spinach & banana for breakfast, apple & pear for lunch, none for dinner. 4 servings of fruit/veggies, 31 servings total for the month.
- 64oz of water, 7 days total for the month.
- 41 calories under my goal, 6 days total for the month.
- Went for a bike ride with Nicole & Jack...58 minutes, 178 minutes total for the month.
- 13,113 steps, 86,667 total for the month.
My bridal shower was on a rainy Sunday back in October. My bridal party put together a beautiful event under less the optimal circumstances. The girls had planned an outdoor event in Lorie's large backyard. We'd had really nice weather all week, lots of sun, unseasonably high temperatures, you name it. Of course the day of the shower it was raining and cold so they had to add a last minute tent & heater rental.
Upon arrival guests were given a personalized champagne flute and chocolate covered pretzels as a favor. The bridal party & mothers had glasses that matched their attire for the wedding.Those champagnes flutes came in handy, we all went through more then 3 CASES of champagne that day!
The shower was in the late morning so my favorite meal, brunch was served.
There were games set up for everyone to play while they waited for me to arrive.
My brother-in-law stepped in as photographer and did a great job of getting shots of everyone as they arrived and mingled.
The gift table quickly filled up. Thankfully they arranged a "display" shower so the gifts were either wrapped in cellophane or totally unwrapped thus cutting down on trash and time.
ALL of that happened before I got there!
They totally surprised me, a feat I didn't think possible. Lorie, had set up a Thirty-One party for the 20th so I automatically assumed that's when my shower would be and stopped looking for any other signs. I was especially shocked because I had spent the morning doing the Alzheimer's Walk in Atlantic City (in the rain). On our way home Joe mentioned that we needed to stop at Lorie's house because her mom (who lives next door) was having problems with her remote starter and he promised to come by and look at it. I slid down in my seat and prepared to play on my phone for a half house while he worked on the car.
You can imagine my shock as we pulled into Lorie's driveway and I saw all of my favorite ladies standing under an umbrella in front of a tent waving at me!
I believe I'm saying something like, "NO WAY!"
Thankfully Kat and raided my house that morning and brought my make-up, flat iron and bridal shower outfit to Lorie's so I could do a quick change before getting started with the festivities.
My sister swears she didn't wear a matching dress on purpose.
We played "Lauren vs Gerri: Who knows Joe better?" I won!And as has become tradition amongst my friends, there was a panty parfait with a super cute poem to go with each pair. I really loved the verses about Fishing & Batman.
Of course there was the hat...while the gifts were being "unwrapped" Nicole was diligently constructing a bonnet from a paper plate. I begged for a bouquet but alas they wanted me in a hat.
We ended the day with a variety of cake and then people started to head home. I hung out for an hour or two longer trying to help clean up and continually being told to sit down and enjoy myself. It really was everything I could have hoped for and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to thank those ladies enough for all their hard work.
I love love love throwing bridal showers, and yours looked amazing. First, love your dress. Love that they surprised you and I love love love the idea of displaying the gifts. We just had one for my best friend and it was like... A LOT OF GIFTS A LOT OF TIME and guests just get bored and I don't blame them. (Her mom planned the whole thing though so I didn't get much of a say in anything.) Looks like a sweet time with your ladies! I can't wait to hear more about your wedding festivities!