
fail blogger

Yeah I am totally a blog failure.  I did not take one picture yesterday.  Well that's not true, Joe took my outfit picture but I have to save that for Friday.  Seriously, I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of anything.  I think it's because the camera on my phone sucks so badly that it's more hassle then it's worth because I have to take at least 3 shots to make sure I have one decent one.  Hopefully when I get an iPhone that will be all but a distant memory.  Since there are no pretty pictures to look at I will keep this brief so as not to bore you all to death.

Breakfast was my last Thomas' pumpkin spice bagel with low fat cream cheese.

Lunch was a honey crisp apple, a pineapple greek yogurt, mini pretzels and a tangerine that I stole from Nicole since we're running low on fruit options at our house.

I went to the gym after work.  By myself!  Yay me!  I took Cardio Blast/Abs at the gym.  It was basically a 1/2 hour step class followed by a 1/2 hour of light lifting with hand weights.  I was plenty sweaty when I left but didn't think it was too difficult.  Well today my abs are screaming.  Job well done LifeCenter.

Dinner was some leftover ham and cabbage.

Joe worked until 9pm so I was on the couch in front of the tv most of the evening.  I got some blogging done and watched a bunch of "crap shows."  Joe stopped home for just a few minutes before heading back out to the gym, I tried to stay awake but kept dozing off in front of Gossip Girl so I headed upstairs.  I vaguely remember a bit of conversation when he came to bed but I was pretty much dead to the world by 10:30.
1. 1000 fitness minutes - nope = 70 minutes; 598 minutes total
2. 10,000 steps per day - 9618; 10 days total
3. 500 calorie burn - 322 breakfast + 367 lunch + 356 dinner + 400 snacks = 1445 - 2394 = -949; 12 days total
4. 2 classes per week (or 10 total) at the LifeCenter - YES!; 4 classes total
5. Geocache 3x - nope; 2 trips
6. 30 minutes of cleaning a day - nope; 12 days total
7. Dinner & a movie date night 3x - nope; 2 total
8. Try one new food a week (or 4 total) - nope; 2 total

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