I'm feeling really good today! Everyone has been exchanging presents in the office & the holiday spirit is just shooting out the windows around here! We're having brunch brought in by one of our vendors from Panera Bread, it's going to be so good! Although my bouncy holiday happiness may also have something to do with the fact that I haven't eaten anything yet today & I've been drinking coffee all morning...
I started my Tuesday with some cinnamon toast cruch & a banana. I'm pretty happy with my breakfast lately, they've been mostly healthy & well rounded.
We went to Angelo's for a holiday luncheon before attending an event at Mission Healthcare. There was so much food; I even brought enough home to feed us dinner! Yummy fresh bread.
Fantastic antipasto salad.
1st round...lemon chicken & mussels.
2nd round...meatball, stuffed shell & brocoli manicotti (which was not good)
Dessert...almond cookie & mini cannoli (I had 2)
After lunch we went over to the Atlantic City Rescue Mission for a vigil honoring the homeless men & women who have passed away this year. December 21 is considered the longest night of the year so they honor everyone on this day, we always bring socks & jackets to donate as well.
The plan was to take Boxx for Tots in Ventnor with Amanda at 6 so it didn't make any sense to drive home. Shana & Bill were closing on their house around 4 so I went to hang on their couch until they were finished in hopes I'd have time to see the house or have a celebratory drink before class. No such luck, I played on Facebook for about an hour and a half (freezing to death, I realized the heat was at 55 right before I had to go) before I had to leave & they were still stuck handling the paperwork. I'm hoping to maybe go see it on Friday or Sunday.
Boxx for Tots was a pretty intense class, they wrap your wrists & we used real boxing gloves. It's circuit training with some light boxing, I was so sweaty and couldn't do anything about it because of the gloves! But my biggest problem was that my yoga pants were sliding down & I couldn't pull them up with the gloves on, although it's pretty awesome that my spandex pants are fall down! The class usually costs $10 but they were offering it for free if you brought a toy for those less fortunate.
I got home around 7:30 with leftovers from lunch & we dug in, Joe was very impressed with the spread, he had roast pork, chicken & mussels. Here's the lemon chicken I had with some broccoli.
Ian was eyeing my plate like a vulture so we decided to give him some broccoli. It was pretty funny, he licked it a few times then picked it up & took a big bite. I'm guessing it wasn't what he wanted though because we left about half of it laying there.After dinner I got all my work presents together. I was filling goodie boxes for our warehouse guys & we had almost a whole bag of Dove candies left over, my plan was to eat these 5 because that's a serving but I stopped after 3, go me!
Daily wrap up:
1. completed 60 fitness minutes - goal met, at 1390 now
2. 5 servings of fruits/veggies - goal failed
3. 64 ounces of water...check...I even made sure to get it before we left at 12:30 so I wouldn't have to worry the rest of the day!
4. Tracking: 2603 calories burned - 1732 calories eaten = total 871 calories burned.
5. I had a good day/night, but not worthy of a relaxing title... - goal met
6. I got on the scale this morning (Wednesday) to see if I held at 150 and it was 149! So excited, just need to keep it up until 12/31...
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