My good mood from Friday carried over into Saturday. I woke up easily & got ready for work quickly. I'm trying something new with my hair, flipping it up instead of under, you can see a picture later when I post my OOTD from our dinner. I wasn't hungry before I left to go to the restaurant so I didn't eat anything. Luckily, Mike was in an equally good mood & made me 2 over medium eggs before we got too busy = 365 calories.
We were super slow, I only made $42 in the 5 hours I was there and barely walked 6000 steps. I spent some time watching my "crap shows" on the DVR and checking my Facebook when I got home but was getting hungry. I decided to make a sandwich with the pulled pork = 430 calories.
I finally made it upstairs to wash off the fryer smell and then spent some more time watching more "crap shows" on the upstairs DVR. It was kind of nice to have absolutely nothing to do. I caught up on blogs, uploaded pictures from my camera & phone and pretty much just wasted time. We had plans to meet our friends Carol & Chris for dinner at Bonefish Grill. I wanted to dress up more then my normal weekend uniform of fleece & yoga pants but not so much that I felt over dressed at the restaurant. With that, here's my OOTD: my sweater is from The Gap it was a zipper in the back, very cute. The tank is another Broadway Bodyshaper Cami from New York & Company and the necklace is the same one I wore on Friday from Etsy. I'm wearing my famous size 10 jeans from Express and my super cute pink ruffly flats are from Payless but a few seasons old. You can also kind of see the new way I've been wearing my hair, I think it's a little funkier...Unfortunately, our friends had to bail on dinner because of a sudden migraine. We were bummed but I totally understand how debilitating migraines can be so we'll have to reschedule for another time. Joe and I debated what we should do for dinner & decided to head over to Charlie's. We used to be regulars there but haven't been spending much time out a bars lately so it was nice to see old friends. I had 2 vodka with club soda drinks (= 120 calories) and a grilled eggplant sandwich = 670 calories.
The sandwich was a little hard to eat, that eggplant skin is hard to bite through, but it was so so so delicious. Thankfully it didn't come with fries or I would have been way over in calories for the day.After dinner we stopped to visit with Nicole & Lou. Joe enjoyed a few white russians and I caught up with Nicole, I hadn't seen her all week! After about 2 hours we headed home to watch a little tv. Joe made me a cup of hot chocolate (= 90 calories) and we settled in for some American Idol. We're all caught up again on the show now and we were pretty bummed there weren't any more episodes to watch, Joe's excited about the Beatles songs coming up.
We went to bed around 10:30 and I once again was out within minutes of crawling under the covers. I'm not sure what'll happen when we have kids...Joe might have to be the one getting up in the middle of the night, lol.
How did I do on my February goals?
1. Read 2 books: didn't get any reading done
2. Burn at least 750 calories a day for at least 20 days: 1954 burned - 1683 eaten = 271 burned, 14 days total
3. 1000 fitness minutes, not allowed to count walking at the restaurant: 0 minutes today, 780 total for month
4. Eat 1 fruit or veggie with each meal for at least 20 days: nothing w/breakfast, nothing w/lunch, eggplant & tomato w/dinner, 8 days total
5. 10 spend free days - didn't buy anything, 9 days total
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