
Where's the sun?

1. Eat out less then 20 meals:  I knew I was going to eat out a lot on Saturday and boy did I!  Joe & I started the day by going out to breakfast across the street; that's right he used his second event.  I ordered what's starting to be my regular omelet but was surprised when it came out with fruit instead of home fries.  Looks like Mike is looking out for my calorie count as well.  I also met my friend Sarah out for an early dinner to celebrate her birthday.  3 meals total. 
2. At least 25 days with a 750+ calorie burn:
     Breakfast: tomato, onion & swiss cheese egg white omelet w/blueberries & strawberries = 427 calories
     Lunch: 0 calories
     Dinner: side salad, bread, chicken scampi & brownie sundae = 782 calories
     Snacks: chocolate covered pretzels = 140 calories
     Totals: 1965 burned - 1349 eaten = 616 total burned, 2 days total
I only ate 1/4 of my entree, it was huge!  It worked out well because I had pretty much an entire dinner left for when Joe got home (he couldn't even finish it all).  Sarah & I also split the sundae but still only finished 1/2 between the 2 of us.  I forgot how much I love peanut butter sauce.
3. Complete 1500 fitness minutes: I didn't work out again on Saturday.  I really need to get my butt back in gear.  The problem is mostly that I don't like working out outside alone and since all of my normal workout buddies were busy I ended up just futzing around the house all day.  Hopefully when the treadmill has a tv set up I'll just use that.  50 minutes total.

4. Walk at least 10,000 steps for 25 days:  I had been hoping for a beach day on Saturday but mother nature wasn't on my side, it was so cloudy.  After spending the majority of the day inside I was concerned about my step count so I asked Sarah if she would mind walking the mile between her house and the restaurant.  She agreed and we had a nice time reminiscing about wandering around town like in middle school.
Unfortunately I was still under my 10,000 steps when I got home from dinner.  Joe suggested we walk over to the grocery store and pick up some odds and ends.  I wanted to get a 1/4 watermelon but Joe decided a whole one made more sense since it was less then a dollar more.  I made sure to have him take a picture of me because "I carried a watermelon."  Joe didn't get why I thought I was so funny so I put it all on facebook and let the Dirty Dancing quotes pour in, lol.  There's a pretty good chance I'll be turning into a watermelon this week...Total 11386 steps.  3 days total. 
5. At least 25 days with 30 minutes of house work:  I spent way more then 30 minutes cleaning, without the beach to entertain me I was all about laundry and vacuuming.  4 days total.

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