
another fitbit bites the dust

Joe & I managed to get Sunday and Monday off from work together!  We had plans to see Def Leppard & Heart on Sunday night so he needed Sunday off and the concert wasn't until 7:30pm so we wouldn't be home until after midnight so obviously we needed Monday off as well. 

1. Eat out less then 20 meals:  We spent Sunday day at Brigantine beach with friends.  We didn't technically eat any meals out because everyone prepped the food at home & we cooked it all on Sean's grill.  16 meals total.
2. At least 25 days with a 750+ calorie burn:
     Breakfast: oatmeal w/milk, brown sugar & banana = 325 calories
     Lunch: chips, chicken skewer, bratwurst w/peppers on a roll, 2.5 Mike's Peach Margarita = 1140 calories
     Dinner: 0 calories
     Snacks: soft pretzel & blueberry cobbler = 334 calories
     Totals: ? burned - 1799 eaten = ? total burned, 15 days total 
3. Complete 1500 fitness minutes:  I did not work out because I spent the majority of my day hanging on the beach with these crazy people.  882 minutes total.  
We even made plans to meet up & do it all over again on the 4th of July this coming Monday.  Joe's off again!  Can you believe it?
4. Walk at least 10,000 steps for 25 days:  Bad news, I wore my fitbit in the ocean.  I'm not sure what possessed me to wear it to the beach in the first place, but I did.  Then I moved it from my top to my bottom so that it wouldn't be as obvious, then I went in the ocean up to my waist and fried it.  I immediately jumped on my tab and ordered a new one but it still takes 3-5 business days to ship.  As soon as we got home Joe put it in a bag of rice in hopes of saving it, it's been there every since but it's not showing any signs of improvement.  ? steps.  21 days total.
5. At least 25 days with 30 minutes of house work:  Yet another day I didn't spend any time at home.  I think we were literally in the house & awake for 4 hours on Sunday.  The concert was very good though.  15 days total.
It took us a little more then an hour to get to Camden because of the traffic.  We totally forgot that on a Sunday in the summer all the tourists from PA would be driving home.  I drove because Joe still had a buzz from our time at the beach and I was getting very frustrated with all the stopping & starting. 
Luckily we walked in just as Heart was taking the stage.  Joe was reminded how much he likes them so we're going to try to find some cheaper shows in Atlantic City where they are the headliner.
Sorry for the crappy pictures.  Our seats weren't really that bad but it's hard to get a good shot with all the lights changing constantly.
Def Leppard was awesome.  I didn't realize they had accents!  It was pretty funny when the lead singer started speaking, I was like, "Joe, wait they're not American?"  Hey, I will be the first to admit that I know very little about music.  I love a concert where I know all the words to the songs and I knew most of them at this one.  Plus they ended with Pour Some Sugar on Me which I love because as a friend put it once "it's the white girl anthem."


  1. Aww, poor fitbit! I can def. see why you took it though...not logging all those steps is like a "waste"! I would have totally taken it with me too :)

  2. I'm so glad you understand why I had it! No one else seem too, lol. Good news is I just checked the shipping & it's out for delivery so I'm back on track for July!
