
March Goal Review

March is over!  I'm always happy to see March go because you know what comes next?  April and my birthday is in April!  YAY!  Let's see what how I/we did with our goals this month...

1. Read 2 books - I didn't even finish one :-(

2. Total burn of at least 750 calories a day for at least 25 of 31 days - I missed it by 2 days, 2 measly days.  And really on 3/31 I knew I wasn't going to make it so I ate a little more.

3. 1200 fitness minutes & I'm not allowed to count walking at the restaurant - My total was 1373 for the month!  And that restaurant part doesn't apply anymore because I'm not working there :-)

4. Eat 1 fruit or veggie with each meal for 20 of 31 days - Woo hoo!  Mission Accomplished, 20 days!

5. 15 spend-free days - I didn't get this one.  But I'm happy to say that my spending was much more controlled.  I wasn't buying things just to spend money, it was all necessary.

2011 - in progress list
1. Complete the Broad St run = 10 miles: I'm signed up and training!
2. Complete some part of the 38th Annual American Cancer Society Bike-a-thon:  I'm definitely not doing the whole thing, may do a part with my dad.  I'm planning to train with Angela as a workout.  But I need an idea for another athletic event I can sub in?
3. Lose final 20 lbs = weigh in at 130: only 13 lbs to go!
4. Pay off 1 major credit card:  Visa is paid off!  And I'm continually paying it off each month when the bill comes in.
5. Make grad school plans: I registered for the GMAT & will be taking it 4/9!
6. Spend more quality time alone with Joe: 2 very enthusiastic thumbs up!
7. Wear a bikini in public: Not warm enough for that little clothing yet.
8. Use my sewing machine: It's still in the box & the box has been moved to the attic!

Couple's Goals 

1. Visit 3 new places:  We didn't go anywhere new this month; still counting Longwood Gardens 1 down!
2. Do at least one outdoor activity together a month: We didn't do anything this month :-(  but hopefully that'll change now that the weather is getting warmer... 
5. One date night a month:  We went to a fancy dinner at Angeloni's.
6. Go camping at least once this year:  I need to get on this one, it's starting to warm up, maybe we can convince some friends to come with us.
7. One new recipe a month:  We gave shrimp tacos, sunny eggs in toast, chicken enchiladas and garlic scallops a try.
8. Go on a big vacation together:  Our flight to Utah is booked!
9. Spend more time with family, I'm shooting for once a month:  We didn't spend any time with Joe's parents together this month, we were supposed to have dinner at their house one night but Joe wasn't feeling well so we had to bail.  We had dinner out with my dad at Tre Figlio & and we saw him when we moved Shana/Bill.  We saw my mom for St Patty's day dinner.
10. Finish 1 major project:  Joe's been working hard on the backyard, he's hoping to have it ready for my birthday party.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun camping! Cause I'm not coming :P
