
Two Events Tuesday

I'm pretty sure you guys aren't interested in seeing more of the stuff I'd like to receive for xmas so instead I'm going to write about some holiday fun I've been having.

This past Sunday my mom invited me to go the South Jersey Geocachers holiday party with her.  My afternoon was free so I figured why not?  Of course we couldn't go to a caching event without doing any actual caching.  We worked our way out to Vineland stopping here and there to make a find.  The first few were out by the mall.  We had to hang around the bus stop like creepers until the buses all pulled away to grab the cache on top of the shelter.  Then I had to climb up the embankment next to JC Penney to find another.
We noticed one not far off the main road in Mays Landing so we decided to give it a try as well.  I was tromping through the brush getting closer and closer when I realized that to get the additional 15' I needed to go I'd have to cross that water.
I used some fancy footwork and eventually made it over to the cache.  You'll notice in my self portrait that my mom took the correct path and didn't get any scratches or wet shoes.
We also stopped at this funny little toy store, the cache was hiding behind that plastic tree.
When we met up with my mom's caching buddies (they call themselves the Owls) I decided to stay in the car and finish up The Help while they looked.  They weren't having much luck so I got out to help and we finally located the tiny pill bottle amongst the branches of that big tree in the front.  (I also finished The Help, now I can start The Hunger Games!)
Soon it was time for the party.  We headed over to Maciano's and had a buffet dinner.  It was decent, just your basic buffet food.  They also played a game of dirty santa with gag gifts.  I ended up with 2 candles and my mom got a back scratcher.  Here's a shot of her whole crew, and me.

Then today at work we had our annual Cofco holiday brunch.  Vendors can provide meals for our department at the holidays as long as they also make it a learning experience.  Each year this particular vendor brings treat from Panera Bread.  That may not seem like a big deal to some of you but around here the closet store is 45 minutes away!
We all ate then got down to business, playing with the toys!  Those little cylinders on the tables are full of confetti, cheesy toys and our awesome crowns.  We all made sure to put them on and take pictures.  It was super fun to just goof around with the ladies in my department.

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