
Three Things Thursday

1. I did yard work.  If you know me in real life you are probably aware that I do not like to get dirty.  There are few things in this world I hate more then the feeling of dirt on my hands.  Therefore I'm willing to bet that Joe was shocked when I offered to help him rake & bag leaves in our back yard.  I'm not going to lie, I needed to get a work out in, do you know how many calories you can burn doing yard work?  A lot.
We switched back and forth between raking and bagging but for the most part I raked and Joe bagged.  Do you love my gardening gloves?  They're yellow with flowers...this is the second time I've used them...
 2.  We got our xmas tree!  Every year we get our tree from the local boy scouts.  Joe used to sell the trees there when he was younger so he likes going and seeing all the pack leaders that are still there and to give back to a local organization.
We had plans to meet Shana & Bill and they were already looking at trees when we pulled up.  Bill likes BIG trees and Shana kept trying to be the voice of reason letting him know they wouldn't be able to fit a large tree in their living room.  After a little while he deemed this her last tree finding trip; from now on he plans to pick their tree out on his own...I'm sure that will go well...
Joe and I were much quicker about finding out tree.  The first one the kid pulled looked good but we checked out at a few more just to be safe before heading back and getting the first one.  It's a fraser fir so the needles are pretty soft and it's tall and skinny more then short and fat.  Joe is kind enough to defer to me on shape :-)
We just tossed our tree in the back of my Element once the seats were up.  But Bill's truck died so they were bringing their tree home on top of Shana's Volvo...  It was entertaining watching the boys tie the tree tightly to the car making sure it would make the 15 mile drive home on some busy roads.  
I can't believe I don't have any pictures of our tree!  I'll have to make sure to take a couple this weekend.  I think you can see parts of it in some of my outfit pictures...  So instead I'll give you a picture of our Chia Pet.    Last year we hosted an Unwanted Gift Exchange in January where everyone brings a present they received over the holidays but don't want and then we all choose and the hilarity ensues.  Anyway, there were two Chia Pets that our friends Vic & Tammy brought and they ended up being a hot commodity.  Joe ended up with one so this year when we got the decorations down he decided to make it...
3. We had our first dinner party.  At Thanksgiving we earned a free turkey from the grocery store and Joe really wanted to fry it.  On black Friday he found a fryer on sale and ordered it.  Once the fryer came in and the turkey defrosted we were good to go.  There was no way we were going to be able to to finish a 12lb turkey on our own so we invited some friends over to help. 
Everyone brought a side dish and we ended up with a lovely replay of Thanksgiving dinner.  In fact, everyone enjoyed it so much we're hoping to plan another one in a few months once everything cools down from the holidays.  Not to mention we're all trying to figure out what other delicious things we can fry up at future get-togethers.
Of course it being our first time frying a turkey things didn't go according to plan.  We had hoped to eat at 7 but Joe had a problem getting the oil hot enough so we ended up waiting until almost 8pm to eat.  It wasn't too bad except I hadn't thought to provide appetizers so everyone was starving by the time the food was ready.   Once it was all said and done everything was delicious though.

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