
2012 Goals

I really believe that 2012 is going to be a phenomenal year in my life.  To help insure that happens Joe & I have decided to make goals again this year.

My personal goals:

1. Run 300 miles.  I was going to set a number of races but I think mileage is fine.  They say it takes 300 miles to wear out a pair of sneakers so that seems like a good total.

2. Bike 300 miles.  I'm trying to become more diverse in my workouts and between Thea, my dad and my fancy new shoes, biking seems like the way to go.

3. Comment on 15 blog posts a week.  I know it make me feel better when I get comments so I'm going to spread the wealth.

4. Be successful in my Thirty-One Gifts business.  I'm really hoping that this business is going to help me pay off some credit card debt so that when Joe & I get married he won't inherit much from me.

5. Make more grad school plans.  I need to figure out if I'm doing it or not.

6. Spend more quality time alone with Joe.

7. Get to 130 and stay there.  For some reason I've decided that 130 is my goal weight even though the quizzes all say 118.  So I'm going to get there & I'm going to hang out there, or lower, for as much as 2012 as possible.

8. Run a sub 30 minute 5K.  I'm averaging about 31:17 right now so how hard can it be to knock a minute & a half off?

Our goals as a couple:

1. De-clutter our lives.  Start an ebay site to sell off all the crap we can't bring ourselves to throw away.  We'll also have 2 yard sales, one in the spring and one in the fall.

2. Visit 3 new places.

3. Do at least one outdoor activity together a month.

4. One date night a month.

5. Go camping at least once this year.

6. One new recipe a month.

7. Spend more time with family, I'm shooting for at least one family once a month.

8. Finish 1 major project.  My picks are to get a shed or install built in bookcases in the living room.

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