
wrapping it up

Hey strangers!  This has been one crazy week!  I've been getting up at 5am every day so I can be at the hospital by 7am for training.  Most days I head over to my old office in the afternoon to work on paperwork and clean it out before heading out for my evening plans around 3:30pm.  I've been SO busy!  I'm hoping to blog the few pictures I've taken this week sometime soon, but for now, last week's wrap up.

Monday ~ workout - exercise w/Joe ~ after work plans - meeting travel agent about honeymoon get electricity back! ~ dinner - clean our fridge (check)

Tuesday ~ workout - run 1 mile boot camp ~ after work plans - softball game ~ dinner - clean out fridge pizza & wings

Wednesday - 4th of July! ~ workout - exercise w/Joe ~ afternoon plans - fireworks (check) ~ dinner - BBQ?

Thursday ~ workout - rest day (check) ~ after work plans - floral consultation (check) ~ dinner - Clam Bar for Nicole's Birthday Presto

Friday ~ workout - boot camp elliptical/video ~ after work plans - bar crawl w/Jaime (check) ~ dinner - bar food in Somers Point hamburger helper 
When I got to the gym on Friday I found the boot camp room empty!  I'm proud to say I didn't go home!  Instead I did the weight loss program on the elliptical followed by an arm workout from On Demand when I got home!
After my workout I grabbed a quick shower then made some Hamburger Helper and steamed broccoli for dinner.  
When Joe got home from work we made our way out to Somers Point to meet up with friends we haven't seen in a long time.  Our friend Jaime was in town for California and had gathered a bunch of people from our TGI Fridays/Circuit City days.
It was fun to see everyone but it was totally different from when we used to hang out, by midnight almost everyone had gone home and there were no drunken shenanigans!   
Even better, I burned just over 1000 calories for the day and got 10,072 steps!
Saturday ~ workout - rest day 20-20-20 ~ afternoon plans - beach ~ dinner - Mandy's Engagement/Housewarming/Mike's 30th Party (check)
Nicole was off from work on Saturday so I didn't need to watch Jack.  Instead, I went to a class at the gym for a step class!  Aren't you so proud?
I didn't do much else during the day, we had another night out on schedule and a big day Sunday so I wanted to take it easy.  When Joe got home from work we took off for Mandy's house is Brigantine.  They were having an engagement slash housewarming slash 30th birthday party for Mandy's fiance Mike.  We didn't know too many people there but it was great to meet their other friends and check out their new pad!
I went a little crazy when we first got there and ate a few too many calories which kept me from meeting my daily goal.  But I did manage to get my steps for the day with 13,877!
Sunday ~ workout - exercise w/Joe ~ afternoon plans - beach boat w/Carol & Chris ~ dinner -  Chicken Cordon Bleu & Garlic-Roasted Kale Chinese
On Sunday morning we met Joe's parents out for breakfast at Atlantic City Country Club.  We had planned on working out first or at least riding our bikes to breakfast but that just didn't work out.  
We spent the afternoon on Chris & Carol's new boat!  It was super fun spending the day cruising around and playing in the water!
I made really tasty Skinny Pina Coladas for Carol and I to enjoy while the boys knocked back a bunch of beers.
Between drinks on the boat, our fancy breakfast and chinese food for dinner I blew my calories out of the water :-(
Even though I didn't work out and my calories were a disaster, I still managed to get my steps with 10,947!

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