
Wednesday & Thurday

Clever title, right?

I woke up Wednesday feeling totally fine & back to normal.  Of course I'm still taking my antibiotics just to be on the safe side but I've felt totally fine since.  I was excited to get to the gym after work and back on track with my goals!  I headed over after work and into the locker room to change for step class, as I was unloading my stuff I realized I didn't have a sports bra!  I searched the bag to be sure but it wasn't there!  I momentarily considered working out in my regular bra but quickly realized that wasn't an option.  With my workout plans thwarted I remembered a call I'd gotten from my brother-in-law earlier that afternoon, he, my sister & my dad were meeting for sushi nearby.  I made a quick call and learned they had just arrived at the restaurant so I went over to meet them.  We spent 2.5 hours catching up on each others goings on and laughing over Japanese.  It was a nice way to spend an evening but not at all what I had planned for the day.

Thursday was a bit more exciting around though.  It started when I read a "stuff I love" blog post and learned about the addakitty app.  It's possibly my new favorite thing.  It's nothing fancy, it literally just allows you to add a kitty to any picture.  We had some fun with it at work...
My original workout plan was to take Insanity at the gym with Mandy.  However, after a lukewarm response from the trainer when we told her we couldn't commit to her whole program we've been looking for other forms of exercise; we decided to give spin a try instead.  Then I got a text from Mandy in the afternoon saying she wanted to run instead since the weather was so nice.  I told her I was up for anything and it was decided we would meet at my house after work to run.

Now I remind you, I have not run at all since 4/29 and before that 4/1, I was expecting a nice little 2 or 3 miles to ease back in.  When I asked Mandy what she had in mind she said "how bout we go for an hour and see what happens."  An hour!?!  That's like 5 miles!  But not one to show my fear I said, "sure sounds great, we'll go for a half hour then turn around and head back."
Our run went well.  We did about 5 miles in an hour which I was impressed with because that's about my normal pace and I had requested a few walk breaks.  It was pretty much, run a mile then walk a quarter repeated.  I'm excited to have a new running buddy & with her super long legs and quick pace I may even improve!

I needed to run to ShopRite for some bachelorette party supplies but the gnats were terrible towards the end of our run so I put off walking over until after the sun went down.  I made dinner and watched a little tv to kill time until dark.  We had a lot of broccoli that was on it's way out and I knew it wouldn't get used this weekend since I won't be home so I whipped up a casserole.
After dinner Nicole accompanied me to ShopRite where I picked up some juice and cupcake supplies.  I added 2 bananas & some PB2 to a regular chocolate box mix then frosted them with cream cheese icing and added a special bachelorette garnish.  Hope everyone likes them!
It was a long night, while the cupcakes were baking I put together a gift for Kat and packed my bags for the weekend.  I'm planning on taking boot camp after work in a feeble attempt to stay ahead of my calorie burn for the weekend.  So I won't have a lot of time to dilly dally if I want to get to the party at a decent hour.  It's going to be a long, but super fun weekend and it starts soon!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great weekend!!! And if you want, we could do a longer run (I just wanted to break in new sneakers so I wasn't sure how far I should do but I can wear old ones). Or I could bring over a workout DVD for after the run. I am supposed to do the Insanity Fit Test that day. Burn those calories!!!
