
March comes in like a...

I'm not sure if it came in like a lion or a lamb...technically I accomplished my goals but I don't feel like I blew them out of the water.  Plus my weight went up and my clothes feel tight so I'm not feeling fantastic...something tells me calorie counting may be coming back in the near future.

1. 10,000 steps for at least 20 days.  I walked 10107 steps yesterday and Joe is on board to help me get them as often as possible!  It's always easier to go for a walk when I have someone to chat with.
2. Exercise at least 20 times.  I realized last night just how much I miss having Angela around now that she's in DE so often.  Seriously, it's hard to get up and run by myself!  I needed to do 3 miles to stick with my training plan for the 10 miler on 3/17 and I just couldn't make it happen.  I actually considered bailing on the race that morning but then Kat signed up and Shana said she's planning on running so I suppose I can't bail now.  Anyway, I tried to do the 3 miles on my treadmill in intervals but our TV isn't loud enough to hear over the treadmill when you run, I got frustrated/bored and quit after the first mile.  I texted Joe to whine about it and he offered to run with me when he got home from work around 8pm.  He's the best!
3. Eat out less then 20 times.  While I did have some soup left over from the Olive Garden for dinner I got it out of the fridge and not from the restaurant so it totally doesn't count.

4. Put laundry away as soon as I fold it.  Didn't do any laundry, although the light colored hamper is starting to overflow...I should probably take care of that soon...

5. Book at least 4 Thirty-One parties for April.  I sent some emails out in hopes of having a few new hostesses; but nothing yet.


  1. I miss you too! It is so hard getting out the door by yourself and you should see my (very boring) running route in DE. And now, turns out I will be stuck in Dover the whole week. No Sprig break for me!

  2. What a bummer! I guess I'll be doing my 3 & 5 mile runs on the treadmill :-(
