
Yummy in my tummy!

I promise I'm going to write about my 10 mile "race" over the weekend but until I get up the moxy to recount the longest day of my entire life I've decided to show you all the delicious food I've been eating in the last few days.

On Thursday night Joe and I went out to dinner with Carol & Chris.  We went to our very favorite sushi place, Tokyo Madarin in Marmora, seriously it has the best sushi.  Anyway, we met them around 7:30 on Thursday night after we'd finished working in the yard and had what we've deemed the best order ever.  There were 6 different rolls split between Joe, Chris & myself and they were phenomenal.

I would love to recount for you what they all were but I can't remember.  I know the names but that probably won't help with what was in them.  We had a Snow White Maki, a Butterfly Lover roll, an Angry Lobster roll, a Mango Lobster Maki, a Dynamite roll and that one on top was a heart something...
On Friday night I wanted pasta in preparation for my big run the next morning.  I was perusing my food board on Pinterest while Joe & I wandered the grocery store and came across this recipe for pasta with roasted brussel sprouts and red onion.  We actually had all of the items needed at home!  We finished up our shopping trip and headed home to cook.  It was super easy to prepare and very tasty!  Joe was raving about how good it was and even said he wouldn't mind having it once a week.
After the "race" on Saturday I went out to eat with my mother, sister & brother-in-law at Shea's in Galloway.  I so badly wish this place was closer to my house.  Not only is the food out of control good but the owner is super nice and friendly.  He makes it so you don't even mind that you've waited for your table.  Anyway, if there's ever a time to eat cinnamon swirl pancakes with reckless abandon it's after running 10 miles.  I shared a single cinnamon swirl pancake with my mom and had 2 scrambled eggs and a side of pork roll to help battle all the sugar.
My next meal was at 10:30pm Saturday night.  I spent the afternoon on a bar crawl with some friends and by the time Joe met up with me after work I was starving.  I may not have made the healthiest choice but I burned 1000+ calories that morning!  (thankfully I only have that excuse a couple of times a year)  I had a BLT on rye with a side of fries.

Last but not least, Sunday.  I'm not sure what came over me but I was like Suzy Homemaker yesterday.  I ran some errands in the morning and then cleaned the house and cooked all afternoon, totally out of character for me.  In honor on the holiday weekend I made corned beed and cabbage in the crock pot for dinner.  It was ok, although it was fully cooked when we decided to eat it, it wasn't falling apart.  I prefer my crock pot meats to fall apart when I touch them.
For dessert I made a dump cake.  I grew up with dump cake and I really don't remember liking it.  When I found the above recipe on Pinterest one night I decided to make it for old times sake.  Well, it is now my absolute favorite!  And really it's not that bad, the potion pictured WITH the scoop of ice cream was only 195 calories. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I want to eat everything in here!!!
    And I agree, Lou (I think that's his name) makes the wait at Shae's seem like nothing! He even gave me a free bottle of water when I asked for a glass of water while we waited. So nice!
