
40 before 40

That whole 101 in 1001 didn't really pan out.  I lost track of it after a few months and it got really hard to back track what we did when.  So...I've decided on a 40 before 40 list.  Being that today is my 32nd birthday I have exactly 8 years to knock this out!
  1. Take a road trip. 
  2. Go camping. 
  3. Learn to play poker. 
  4. Go on a “staycation” (4 days minimum) 
  5. Own something from Tiffany & Co. 
  6. Spend a long weekend at a B&B (3 days minimum) 
  7. Don’t eat out for one month. 
  8. Be a vegetarian for a week. 
  9. Learn to bake bread. 
  10. Go to a drive-in movie. 
  11. One year, watch all Oscar-nominated films. 
  12. Have a dinner party. 
  13. Become a mom. 
  14. Create and print a photo album for each year since our wedding. 
  15. Spend an entire day together with no technology. 
  16. Go skiing.
  17.  Follow cash only plan for 2 months. 
  18. Sell things on E-Bay. 
  19. Have absolutely no debt aside from our mortgage. 
  20. Write a will. 
  21. Run a sub 30 minute 5K. 
  22. Take a girl’s only trip.
  23.  Get down to then maintain 20% or less body fat. 
  24. Go to Disney World. 
  25. Purchase a nice camera & learn basic photography skills including Photo Shop.
  26. Stop being afraid of my sewing machine. 
  27. Buy our "forever" house. 
  28. See the Grand Canyon. 
  29. Get down to then maintain my weight under 135 pounds. 
  30. Grow my Thirty-One business. 
  31. Learn to golf. 
  32. No new clothes for 1 month. 
  33. Have family photos taken every year. 
  34. Host a holiday at our house. 
  35. Learn to play chess. 
  36. Host a game night where we actually play games. 
  37. Attend a high school reunion. 
  38. Take an Alaskan cruise. 
  39. Organize our important paperwork. 
  40. Learn to drive stick.

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