
I interrupt this blogging hiatus...

To let you all know that I lost another pound!  If I'm being totally honest, I don't know how I did it.  I spent the weekend sitting on my butt reading the Hunger Games trilogy, which I loved by the way, I read all 3 books in 5 days time, I could not put them down and while I'm sad that they're over and there isn't anything else to find out about Katniss & Peeta, I am incredibly excited about the movie coming out in March.  

But back to my weekend, I literally did not work out or count one calorie that I put in my mouth from Friday afternoon until Monday morning and yet somehow managed to get down to 141.  I had all these excuses as to why I haven't been working out or eating right or even blogging.  My knees are beat up from falling off the treadmill, I have a cold, it's windy out, blah blah blah.  But sometime on Saturday afternoon I realized that I just haven't cared, really, I didn't care what I ate or if I worked out.  I'm not sure what happened or why but I need to be honest with myself if I'm going to get back on track.  It's even worse because we are now 3 weeks from our cruise and I've still got at the very least 7 pounds to lose and preferably 11.

My only saving grace is that my April Fool's 11K training plan starts this week.  Joe is planning on running the race too so he's going to try to do training runs with me whenever possible which will definitely help because I'm no good at running by myself.  It's a huge bummer that Angela is back at school in DE again because I did most of my training with her last winter.  Maybe Shana will agree to come off the island some on weekends and run with me?!?!  Shana also texted me yesterday asking if I am interested in running the 34th Annual St Pat's Day 10 Miler with her this year.  She has to go out of town the weekend of Broad St but still wants to get the distance under her belt, I told her I could definitely be convinced.  And now I'm not sure I'm going to to Broad St either, I don't think Angela is running it and Shana definitely isn't...I really don't have any desire to do it by myself...

This week's plan is:
Monday - Cardio Blast/Abs at the gym
Tuesday - 4 mile evening run w/Joe
Wednesday - 4 mile evening run w/Joe
Thursday - Pump-N-Step at the gym
Friday - session with my trainer & 3 mile treadmill run
Saturday - 4 mile morning run w/Joe
Sunday - 4 mile morning run w/Joe

Show of hand's...how many people think that's actually going to happen?  LOL  I'm going to set a goal to get at least 5 of those work outs done.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Woohoo on a pound!
    2) I feel you on the not caring. Me too! But I have a new excitement now and it sounds like you do too. We can do this!
    3) I know, I miss my running buddy! Its so mark harder running in the cold, the dark, the ice all by yourself. Blah.
    4) I don't think I want to do Broad Street again. Its just way too many people for me. The Long Branch Half Marathon is that same weekend though? Or maybe we can just find a fun mud run around that time to do??? Triathlon? Duathlon?
    Have fun on the St. Patty's day run! That is the day of my full in DC!
    A good schedule but remember to take rest days too!!!
