How far along: 28 weeks (3rd Trimester!)
Baby’s Size: eggplant
Maternity clothes: I'm pretty excited that it's starting to get cooler and I can break out the handful of maternity sweaters I've been collecting!
Best moment this week: My check-up with the OB was good news all around. I only gained 3 lbs over 3 weeks (right on target)! I passed my glucose test (score of 95)! And we're now on the every 2 week rotation (can you believe it? only 12 weeks to go)!
Miss anything: runny eggs...
Movement: It's funny how quickly things change. Just last week I was saying how he's moving around all the time and this week he's slowed way down. No worries though, I googled it and it's normal, he's just running out of space...gonna be a long 12 weeks buddy...
Food cravings: Not only am I not craving anything, I can never figure out what I want to eat in general...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor signs: Nope.
Symptoms: My legs are definitely not as bad as before but I think that's just because I was super busy this week and never spent any time laying around... I also had a really tough time waking up all week. Like I was still half asleep coming up on lunch time... I guess that's what life with a newborn will be like so I should get used to it!
Happy or moody most of the time: I think I was in a better mood this week. Mostly I've just been sort of bummed because I'm so busy. I've seriously had plans for every day this week and all I want to do is veg out on the couch...
Looking forward to: Baby shower on Sunday!
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