Saturday 11/17 - We started the day with breakfast at Fitzpatrick's with Rob & Angela before Joe went in to work. I have been trying to eliminate grains/carbs from my diet to shed a few quick pounds before the wedding but I just can't seem to banish them completely, especially at breakfast. That evening we invited some friends over for a bonfire & s'mores out back. My mom & Dawn graciously offered to come over early with dinner, nachos!
Sunday 11/18 - Joe & I went to breakfast before he had to go to work. I ordered an egg white, spinach & feta omelet but couldn't say no to the toast and a couple of home fries. Blasted carbs!
Monday 11/19 - I can't remember anything terribly exciting about Monday...I obviously started the day with a green smoothie & coffee. Lunch was sweet potato and roasted corn soup with a soft pretzel from the cafeteria. It. Was. Awesome. I checked the calendar and Joe was closing that night which would explain my ham sandwich for dinner.
Tuesday 11/20 - I managed to fight off the temptation of the cafeteria for lunch and stuck with my go to yogurt, apple & pretzels.
We were super busy after work that night. I was meeting the florist for a centerpiece review and Joe was meeting the flood insurance adjuster and a heating/air conditioning contractor at the house. My dad came over to speak with the adjuster as well and once everyone was gone we decided to get dinner across the street at Presto. We'd had a couple of bad experiences there in the summer but they totally redeemed themselves that night.
We split a prosciutto and portobello pizza as an appetizer and I had gnocchi with tomatoes in garlic and oil as my entree. Everything was delicious but took a long time to come out. It's to be expected since the gnocchi are homemade but we think the servers should let customers know it takes longer then expected to cook and to relax and enjoy some wine.
Wednesday 11/21 - I was on my own in the office most of the day as my coworkers took time off for the holiday (I'm saving my time for the honeymoon). When lunch time rolled around I took a walk to the cafeteria and spotted a woman leaving with a personal pizza. That was all I could think about after that...
Later that evening we were invited to a friend's house for cocktails. I may have enjoyed a few glasses of wine...I may have also not eaten anything but cheese & crackers for dinner...and I may have paid for these decisions the next morning...
Thursday 11/22 - Turkey day! Thanks to my poor decisions the night before I didn't do a whole lot of eating that morning...I think I managed to keep down 1/2 an english muffin and a cup of cereal. Lucky for me that left plenty of calories for dinner!
Friday 11/23 - Shana and I decided to do some shopping on Black Friday. We didn't get up at 3am like in previous years but we were out shopping before 10am. We met Bill for lunch at a local pizza place and I have a new favorite topping combination, garlic & oil instead of red sauce with bacon, tomato & ricotta cheese.
Saturday 11/24 - It's the weekend again which means we're going out for breakfast! I had eggs benedict with the hollandaise sauce on the side. It shockingly not nearly as bad for you if you're only using a little bit of sauce :-)
Sunday 11/25 - We had an impromptu family dinner because Shana & Bill invited themselves over to play with Joe's new toy. I suggested my mom & Dawn come by to work on bridesmaid bouquets and the next thing we knew there was a dinner party underway. I marinated a couple of london broil steaks and roasted some veggies, Shana brought sweet potatoes and bread...it was delicious.
Tuesday 11/26 - I've been throwing around all kinds of fad diets as the wedding gets closer. First I wasn't eating carbs and night, then I was going to cut processed foods and now I'm attempting to go dairy & grain free. Joe & I both decided to give it a shot and I did ok on Monday except for a little cheese on my salad (and a couple of cheese fries at dinner).
My first successful attempt at not eating grains & dairy was Tuesday. I had a shake for breakfast, chicken salad with lettuce & tomato for lunch and Joe whipped up a Bratwurst bowl for dinner. Yay us!
At first it was *so* hard to avoid grains and such. I think I finally have the hang of it. Now the hard part is making sure I have enough calories. FYI, when the inevitable carb crash hits, apples are handy.