Friday morning I had a bagel thin with a laughing cow cream cheese wedge and a scrambled egg for breakfast, I also added my requisite coffee back in. For lunch I went to the cafeteria, something I will not be doing this new week. I ordered a grilled turkey sandwich with cheddar cheese, tomato and a little bit of honey mustard.
After work I met Mandy at the gym for kickboxing. It was so nice to see her and we are determined to meet more often for classes on days I'm not with my trainer. It was also good to work some other body parts. I've been concentrating so much on my arms, chest and back; this class worked my legs and got my cardio up, it was great!
After class I met my mom and Dawn at a local bar for dinner. I ordered an open faced tuna melt and only ate 1/2, go me!
I spent the rest of my Friday night partying like a rock star on the couch with Joe & the cats. We stayed up a little later then usual watching TV since I wasn't watching Jack the next morning.
Friday Challenge wrap up:
- Water: completed.
- Healthy Eats: 413 calories to spare, wahoo!
- Exercise: 30 minutes total.
- Weekly Focus - Food Log: completed.
- Daily Challenge - Body Confidence: completed on Facebook.
- Extra Torture I'm Inflicting Upon Myself - I was "perfect," I didn't do the circuit, I did not get 5 servings, I did not do HIIT
We went out for breakfast on Saturday morning before Joe had to go into work. I had 2 eggs over medium with, sliced tomato, pork roll and rye toast. I ran some wedding related errands in the late morning then got a manicure in the early afternoon before meeting Anne for coffee at Starbucks. I was starving by the time we met up at 2pm so I got a cheese & fruit box along with my Grande Skinny Gingerbread latte.
I spent close to 3 hours catching up with Anne and we probably could have gone all night except that I needed to get home and shower because Joe & I had plans to meet Chris & Carol for sushi at Tokoyo Mandarin. We had such a nice time joking around with them while enjoying delicious food. They were super busy and ran out of regular wine glasses so when it was time to open our bottle they offered 3 regular sized and 1 "baby" glass. Guess who got the baby glass? I actually didn't mind too much since it kept me from drinking more then I should.
I also did a pretty good job of controlling my portions during dinner. I only ate 5 pieces of maki and about a 1/2 cup the seafood yaki udon. We were out until after 10pm which is a late night for us. Needless to say we went straight to bed when we got home and I slept like a champ after 3 baby glasses of wine!
Challenge wrap up:
- Water: completed.
- Healthy Eats: I went over by 244 calories, no good.
- Exercise: I didn't work out.
- Weekly Focus - Food Log: completed.
- Daily Challenge - Yoga: didn't do it.
- Extra Torture I'm Inflicting Upon Myself - I was not "perfect," I did not do the circuit, I did not get 5 servings, I did not do HIIT and I didn't post anything I like about my body.

Challenge wrap up:
- Water: only got 7 glasses.
- Healthy Eats: 246 calories to spare, wahoo!
- Exercise: didn't work out.
- Weekly Focus - Food Log: completed.
- Daily Challenge - recipe: nope
- Extra Torture I'm Inflicting Upon Myself - I was not "perfect," I did not do the circuit, I did not get 5 servings, I did not do HIIT, I did not post about body confidence and I did not do yoga.
I think you did pretty good!! Sound like a nice replacing weekend too. By the way, where is this Tokyo place? It always looks delicious!