Have you ever felt like a day was never going to end? And I'm not talking about a grueling day at work...work was the easy part of my day yesterday! I'm a little sorry to say that I wasn't able to do what I had planned for the day but I'm not too disappointed because in the end it'll all work out. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself!
My plan was to work 8:30-4:30, pick up my gala dress at the tailor, take Step N Pump at the gym, stop and tan on my way home then make some yummy sweet potato perogies with roasted vegetable for dinner. That was before Mandy turned into a workout maniac. When I talked to her on Wednesday she suggested taking Step N Pump AND Insanity on Thursday, and because I almost always cave to peer pressure, I told her I was game for whatever she decided. Luckily she came to her senses, and we planned to meet up for just Insanity at 6:30. This worked out well for me because I could pick up my dress, drop off some Thirty-One catalogs and go tanning before heading to the gym. The only downside was that I was starving!
You may be wondering how I ended up taking an Insanity class at the gym... well from what I've gathered there is a woman at the gym who is a certified BeachBody trainer and teaches P90X and Insanity type classes for free in hopes that the members will request the gym bring her on staff. Apparently she taught the boot camp class that I missed on Tuesday and convinced Mandy & Agnes to come to her class on Thursday.

After the gym Joe asked if I could stop and check out some tuxes at Men's Warehouse. There was a change with the gala and he can now attend as my guest for free(!) so he was hoping to be able to get a tux for Saturday! When he saw the prices for renting a tux he realized he could buy one for the same price and since he'll need one again in December for the wedding it just made sense. What are your thoughts on a bow tie? I'm undecided.
By the time I got home it was almost 9pm and there was no way I was making dinner. I heated up some leftover Pasta with Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Red Onions and collapsed on the couch for some Private Practice. (I think that earns me full credit for the day, as long as I make the perogies for dinner tomorrow.) I was trying to stay awake until Joe got home and just barely made it. He heated up more leftovers and once he finished it was time for bed!
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