My Wednesday just goes to show that even the best laid plans have a way of changing. On Monday afternoon I got a call from Joe, Chris & Carol had invited us to the Phillies game on Wednesday night, did we want to go? I told him it sounded fine to me but had he checked the calendar. He said yes the only thing on it was a workout at the gym for me. I said that was fine I could just switch my rest days around. Well this was before I had my ear issues on Tuesday so now I was using both rest days in a row and we'd probably be eating dinner at the game so there went my meal plan as well...
When I woke up Wednesday morning it was raining & the weather report said it was going to keep raining all day. So while I had been excited to go to the game and see our friends there was a chance it would be called and I could still hit the gym (and spend the evening lounging on my NEW COUCHES)! I kept an eye on the radar all day and it wasn't pretty...
I called Joe when I left work and asked what the plan was, he said we were still on for the game but he had made the crock pot dinner I'd planned to eat before we left. Wahoo, 1/2 credit! When I got home I plopped down on the NEW COUCH and turned on the weather channel. The storm had changed course or something and now Philly looked clear until 10pm so no workout for me.
We chowed down on the crock pot chicken & rice (really tasty but a little higher in calories then I'd anticipated) and before we knew it Chris was there to pick us up. We kept our fingers crossed that the rain would hold off and enjoyed the game from awesome seats!

While it wasn't the day I had planned for on Sunday it was a good one and I still managed to burn 600+ calories!!
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