Baby’s Size: turnip (or iPhone per Pregnant Chicken which I like better)
Maternity clothes? I bought a couple of bellabands in hopes of salvaging some pre-pregnancy pants but I haven't quite figured them out yet. I'm now advising all of my looking to get pregnant friends to make sure they're in good shape when they take the plunge so they can wear their own clothes as long as possible. It's so depressing to barely be showing and not be able to wear 1/2 of what's in your closet.
Best moment this week: Finding out we are negative on the the Downs Syndrome, Trisomy 18 & Spina Bifida test!
Movement: Not since that day last week.
Food cravings: Nope. I'm actually not really that hungry in general. All the articles I'm reading say I should be ravenous now that I'm into the second trimester but I'm actually less hungry than I have been in a while. I couldn't even finish 1/2 of my pannini at dinner last night.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Flossing still isn't pleasant.
Gender: Our anatomy scan appointment in 8/28! The evite for the gender reveal party is out & the cake is ordered for 8/31!
Labor signs: Nope.
Symptoms: I'm still exhausted by 10pm and the zits have come back with a vengeance this week which I'm not thrilled about. But other than that I still feel like me. I try not to rub it in...I have a few pregnant friends that are not having as easy of a time...
Belly button in or out? Way in, so much so that I'm getting annoyed about it. I could have a halfway decent little bump if it wasn't so cavernous. Instead I just look a kind of lumpy... Joe suggested I put a piece of duct tape across to even it out!
Happy or moody most of the time: Wow was I moody this week. I feel like I start the day out in a good mood but all it takes is one little comment or action to throw me into a funk and then I have to literally give myself a pep talk to get out of it.
Looking forward to: Getting rid of the furniture in our office so we can start painting!
I'm glad things are going so smoothly for you. More stores like this and I might be convinced kids aren't such a bad idea (I kid, I kid, I'll love your kids and spoil them since I won't have my own!) Love these little updates :)