I am making moves towards crossing an item off my 40 before 40 list! I have 7 items for sale on eBay with many more to come! Nicole has graciously offered to operate my eBay store since I just can't seem to make time. I offered to pay her 20% of the profit but all she's asking for is a couple of dinners out.
We went to the Phillies vs Pirates game on Tuesday night with my sister & Bill. We got to Citizen's Bank Park a little early and had a couple of beers before heading into the game and enjoying yummy ballpark food. I obviously went over my calories but the Shock Top Honeycrisp Apple beers and Chicken Italiano hoagie were worth it. We had a really great time but boy was it cold!
I spent last Sunday cleaning out our upstairs. We've accumulated so much stuff over the last 4 years and it was time to get organized. In addition to finding all kinds of purses, shoes & clothes to sell on eBay we removed 3 bags of trash from various rooms. There's still a lot of work to do but I'm loving the direction things are going. AND I finally started printing and displaying some of our wedding photos!
We went to a BBQ at Joe's work the other night. There was face painting. Joe ended up with an Apple logo on his face. That is all.
I finally gave my sister the rest of her birthday presents the other night including a Thirty-One Pro Duffle with Mathlete embroidered on it. She liked it. If you want one of our limited edition duffle bags be sure to place an order (www.mythirtyone.com/LaurenFields) before the end of April since they're not available in the new summer catalog.
I am pretty much obsessed with our (Thirty-One's) new summer items. The Fresh Market Thermal is a great size for transporting all those treats to BBQs this summer. The Lunch Break Thermal is the perfect lunch bag for bringing food to work. Nicole is raving about the Hang-It-Up Key Fob which apparently is great for hanging things off a stroller. And the Bring-A-Bottle Thermal will keep your drinks cool all summer long!
The new patterns are cute too. I'm especially infatuated with Fun Flops and I know it's going to be a big seller at the couple of parties I have lined up for May. No real Jersey girl can resist flip flops!
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