My goals for September didn't go all that well and I have no one to blame but myself. For some reason I just could not get it together in regards to my eating. I know that if I continue to eat crap I will not lose the weight I want to before the wedding. I need to stop making excuses, stop sneaking calories in and start eating at home more often.
I skipped training runs in September. If I have any hope of running the entire 13.1 miles of my half marathon I need actually do the runs that are scheduled over these last 3 weeks before the race. I'm also planning to continue running after the race, I'm thinking I'll do at least 2 runs a week from the end of October until the wedding.

My life has been so busy lately that I almost don't want to make goals because I don't think I'll accomplish them. Between work, wedding planning, the gym and 1/2 marathon training there isn't much time for anything else. What I really want to do is sit on the couch and watch all the new episodes of my favorite shows, my DVRs are getting full! But I know I need to stay on track, I always feel better after a workout, even if it's a crappy one. So, I'm going to make goals that should be pretty easy to accomplish...

Drink 8 cups of water a day.
Eat out less then 15 times.
Run 65 miles.
10,000 steps per day.
Wow 65 miles!
ReplyDeleteGreat goals! You can do it!