You'll probably recognize most of these people from other posts as they are those nearest & dearest to us but I figured I'd put together a run down of who we're asking to stand up for us anyway.
Matron of Honor - Shana - sister of the bride. I've known my sister for 28 years, you know, her entire life. We've had good times and bad, most of the bad being when we were little & she was SOOO annoying...but as adults we're great friends and I couldn't imagine anyone else in this spot. Not to mention I did a bang up job as her Maid of Honor so she's got big shoes to fill :-P
Bridesmaid - Sarah - I've decided to list all of my girls by time known and I've known Sarah a long time. We met way back in Pee Wee cheer leading when I was 8 and she was 7. We are very different people but our differences have never caused any issues between us. We have so many memories of crazy antics spanning decades but we're also pretty good at spending the day on the couch watching reality TV.
Bridesmaid - Edra - I've known Edra almost as long as Sarah. We met in Girl Scouts way back in elementary school. She is a character! We still still talk about our first camping trip when everyone brought subs for dinner and she had a thermos of lo mien! Although she's recently deserted me to live in warmer climates whenever we get together it's like no time has passed.
Bridesmaid - Lorie - I met Lorie during college while working at TGI Fridays. We were fast friends and have remained close for the last 12 years! Even though we don't always get to spend a lot of time together, it's so unfair how life gets in the way, I've never doubted our friendship. I was a bridesmaid in her wedding and am super excited to return the favor.
Bridesmaid - Janey - sister of the groom. I haven't actually asked Janey to be in the wedding yet but I'm pretty sure she doesn't read my blog so I'm not ruining any surprises!
Bridesmaid - Nicole - You all know Nicole, mother of Jack & the best neighbor/friend a girl could ask for. We've only known each other about 3.5 years but as my mother said the day we met "they're like the same person."
Bridesmaid - Kat - I met Kat almost 2 years ago through work and we hit it off right away. She's always there with advice and has been a great resource in navigating the corporate world. She's starting a new job next week and will be a little further away but I know it won't make a difference.
I don't know all the details about Joe's guys so I'll keep it brief and just tell you how he knows them he hasn't asked most of them yet (I'm pretty sure none of them read my blog)...

Groomsmen - John, Mark & Vic -
Joe became friends with these 3 in high school, I believe on the golf team. Joe & John were Vic's co-best men a few years ago and Vic & Joe will be John's co-best men at his wedding in May of 2013.

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