Good afternoon! If anyone is still out there I thank you and you may noticed I've been a little MIA lately. Things have been super busy at work, I'm trying to exercise and eat right as much as possible plus we're getting ready for vacation! It's been crazy around these parts lately! I've also had a hard time figuring out what to write about, I feel like I'm always whining and I really don't want this to turn into the place where I bitch about how I'm not doing what I should be... an effort to keep it upbeat & slightly interesting here's some stuff I've been up to!

2. I've started trying out some of the stuff I'm pinning. Joe has already finished one project but I'll talk about that another day... Today we're going to talk about my nails! I found this picture on Pinterest and fell in love! I sent it to my manicurist/co-worker and she said it was totally doable. Then I forgot about it for a few months.
I've been getting manicures every 2 weeks just in case someone decides to put a ring on my last appointment she whipped out this almost black color. I'm not going to lie, it scared the crap out of me, I am NOT a black nail polish kind of girl. In hopes of giving it a little more personality I suggested we try the glitter technique. She agreed but suggested we only do one nail instead of all 10 to avoid looking like a little kid. The end result...I love it! My 2 weeks are up and I'm scheduled to go back for a mani/pedi this coming weekend and I'm going to be a little sad to see my black nails go.
3. Jack's Birthday Party. My favorite little guy turned 2 this month! Nicole threw a small party at the house on a Sunday afternoon and I came over early to help out. The party had a crayon theme since Jack is really into arts & crafts lately. We made multi-colored cupcakes that I somehow didn't get a picture of...while we mixed dyes and layered the batter Jack cleaned the bowl...
Just before his guests arrived we went upstairs to get dressed. We were running low on time so a bath wasn't in the cards and had to do something with the dried cake batter in his solution...mohawk! And what outfit goes with a mohawk? Baby size grey skinny jeans and a guitar print thermal! Are you aware that kid's clothes have these awesome pieces of elastic with buttons so you can make the waist bigger & smaller? I'm so jealous & want this system in all of my pants, stat.
The party went well and Jack got lots of fun new toys. Including this blow up ball pit of which he said "Joe get it there!" So Joe did...4. We finally finished the caramel popcorn from Mr Conover. Jack is thoroughly enjoying the empty tin.
5. I'm officially a Thirty-One consultant. My kit arrived the day before Angela's party was scheduled and I although we haven't closed her party yet I think everything went very well. If you're interested in booking a show please let me know :-)
6. Joe and I had our first date night of the year. I bought us tickets to a Malbec wine tasting at Passion Vines and then we had dinner at a little Italian restaurant next door. It was a really nice night and although I consumed a few too many calories they were totally worth it.
7. We had our 2nd annual Unwanted Gift Exchange and it went really well. I'll write up a full post soon, just know that I purchased a 32 pack of crescent rolls because it's not a party without something cheesy and delicious stuffed inside a crescent roll.
8. I've started drinking Skinny Green Monster Smoothies for breakfast. I've been reading about these for a while now but just couldn't pull the trigger on spinach in a blender. Well that all changed when I realized I needed to go through a giant tub of spinach before vacation.I blended 2 cups of raw spinach, 3/4 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, a container of strawberry greek yogurt, a frozen banana and some ice together into 349 calories of green. And you know what? It wasn't bad. I think I may keep this one in rotation for a while. I'm painfully aware that I don't eat enough veggies and this is an awesome way of getting 2 servings in before I even leave for work!
I have been thinking about doing more juices too! I enjoy spinach in my smoothies too, you really can't taste it.